Technical Consulting Services
Since 2003, TMG has delivered call and customer center services and helps companies which are changing systems with technical consulting and advice. We can help with infrastructure and network, or give advice related to integrations and systems that your company can integrate towards. In addition to this, TMG has high competence within IP telephony, server technology and delivery of cloud-based services in Amazon.
It can be difficult to estimate how much work it is to integrate different systems. If you want to integrate another system to handle email with TMG, e.g. Zendesk, several things have to be considered; is it approval to do what you desire in the existing APIs to Zendesk and TMG; which subscription in Zendesk do you need to be able to use the APIs with the desired volume, how much delay is it in the transferring between the systems? We can help you investigate this, set up different alternatives and consider the pros and cons. We understand APIs, webhooks, rate limits, latency – the technical part.

© Telemagic Group AS 2019