TMG Payment Solutions

TMG integrates now towards severeal payment solutions. First out is payment using Vipps and email invoices.
How payment using Vipps works:
- With the Vipps-integration it is possible to select and send a Vipps-payment to the Customer from the customer card window. This can be done one the way or when the conversation is done.
- The customer will get a push notification on their phone, telling them that a Vipps-payment is waiting. They can choose to approve or cancel the payment. If the Customer approves the payment, the customer service representant will get a window on their screen where they can choose to end the payment before TMG requires the money from Vipps. The customer service representant has 15 minutes to accomplish this.
- If ever neccessary, the amount of money can be refunded to the Customer, even if the payment is accomplished.
- The money can be transferred to your bank account in daily, weekly or monthly frequences. You can select this yourself in your portal with your business account.
- Refunds is returned within 1-3 working days, depending on the customers bank.
- In the Vipps portal you can select between daily, weekly or monthly reports.
How email invoices works:
- TMG Invoice lets you select, and send, an invoice to a customer from the customer card. It can be done in the middle of the conversations or when the conversation is ended.
- The customer service representant will preview the invoice before it is sent, and can make sure the details are correct.
- The customer will receive an email with a predefines text based on which product it is, and the invoice will be attached to the emaol as a PDF.
- Various expenses like delivery costs can be added to the invoice in advance.
- Automatic reminder routines: it can be added defaukt values to the system which sends reminder after gives times. The system will check if the invoice has been paid before the reminder is sent.
- Order Overview gives you total overview. Select what you want to see, and you will se that it is paid with TMG Invoice, as well as status and date. Naturally everything can be exported directly into a CSV-file with a simple click.